Intro for those who are new...

Welcome to my blog which shows you some of the interesting and crazy things I found in Japan. Sometimes they might seem offensive, other times tacky but mostly you will get a good laugh and an interesting story. If you have never been to Japan or if you live there, there is always something new to discover.

In this blog I don't mean to criticize or look down on another culture. I am simply expressing how I feel and what I see when I come across things. Also, though the title says 'Only in Japan' in no way am I saying that the following things are exclusively found in Japan (though that may be the case for certain things). It is more of a thought to myself whenever I see something I didn't expect.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Head of the competition

Everyone knows that billboards work. They might be big, annoying and detract from the cityscape but no matter what is being sold you can't help but stare. Especially in Asia where neon lights and flashing beams threaten to give seizures the flashier the better. But this restaurant (i hope thats what is being advertised)is way ahead in shock value. As you can see in this normal street in Tokyo away from all the major populated intersections lies this giant head of a chef. Doesn't it just make you hungry? It could be worse I  guess. Maybe not.
Only in Japan ...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My new video idea...

I usually upload funny pictures on this blog and make fun of whacky things in Japan. And I also have a YouTube channel that does the same. You have probably already seen it but if not here is the link to my channel:

Well, of course I have many ideas in my head of what I want to talk about or show you the audience. But there are tons of other people around me who are not getting the attention they deserve. Honestly,  I think I am not getting the attention I deserve either but that's a whole other story.

So I created a new video called Head to Head. I take 3 videos from different users who all have less than 1000 views on their video. Then I ask the viewers to vote for the best. The winner then moves on to the next video to face 2 new challengers.

I think its a really good way for many people to see videos they might not usually see. And it gives exposure to all 3 video makers and myself.

Will it be successful? I don't know. Should I give up? I have given myself a test for about 3 or 4 episodes before I decide to scrap the idea.
Take a look and let me know if you have any suggestions.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Would you buy anything SWEATY?

How about sweaty socks?
What really attracts you to a shop? Is it the brand name? The merchandise display? Location? Well what this store was hoping for is people who love sweat! One thing to note is that this is not a sports shop. If it sold Nike or Adidas sports wear maybe Sweat would be a catchy way to get people to shop here. But this shop sells home goods, accessories and other interior decorations and clothes.  Want a salad bowl from Sweat? How about a Sweat basket? No, maybe a personalized Sweat Underwear set? Sweat is all over it! They have everything you'd need. If you are ever in Aeon Jusco Mall in Japan, be sure to check them out. But don't run, you might break a sweat.
Only in Japan...

Monday, March 12, 2012

They Literally want you to get out of the "rat" race

They made Mice of Men

The picture above is a portion of a business card. It was given to me by a travel agent who apparently works for the Japan Mice Travel Agency.  
I am not sure if they meant it to say Japan Nice or maybe they cater to vermin too? I stopped for a second to think who would call their travel company Japan Mice. But then I stopped because I realized it's Japan. They can call it whatever they want because most Japanese people won't know or care.
Only in Japan...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Little Pricks! Want one?

Two pricks for the price of one!

Yes, the package is grammatically incorrect. It should be Little Pricks not Little Prick since there are two. But that is the least of their concern.
This is the line of small fluffy toys that are being sold across Japan in a craft shop. Mothers buy these little pricks for their kids. Then the kids take these little pricks to school to show off. The kid with the most little pricks in the class is then named Biggest Little Prick.

Only in Japan...