Intro for those who are new...

Welcome to my blog which shows you some of the interesting and crazy things I found in Japan. Sometimes they might seem offensive, other times tacky but mostly you will get a good laugh and an interesting story. If you have never been to Japan or if you live there, there is always something new to discover.

In this blog I don't mean to criticize or look down on another culture. I am simply expressing how I feel and what I see when I come across things. Also, though the title says 'Only in Japan' in no way am I saying that the following things are exclusively found in Japan (though that may be the case for certain things). It is more of a thought to myself whenever I see something I didn't expect.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shit Japanese people wear...

Color me purple!

I get that Japan is kinky. I get that sometimes they read Octopus tentacle porn and really like Cosplay but a bartender in a skin tight purple suit and a red strap on just doesn't seem reasonable to me.

If you watch Japanese TV than this would seem as normal as Oprah but when I want to go to a bar to relax and have a beer and this guy is serving me then I really gotta wonder.  But at least he was a nice guy. And I think he washed his hands before serving me.