Intro for those who are new...

Welcome to my blog which shows you some of the interesting and crazy things I found in Japan. Sometimes they might seem offensive, other times tacky but mostly you will get a good laugh and an interesting story. If you have never been to Japan or if you live there, there is always something new to discover.

In this blog I don't mean to criticize or look down on another culture. I am simply expressing how I feel and what I see when I come across things. Also, though the title says 'Only in Japan' in no way am I saying that the following things are exclusively found in Japan (though that may be the case for certain things). It is more of a thought to myself whenever I see something I didn't expect.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Beating the heat! Unfashionably!

A human lamp!?
So summer is here. And like many countries Japan gets really hot and humid during the summer months. Usually Japanese people hide in underground malls, air conditioned spaces and generally stay out of the sun. However, this year because of the earthquake and energy crisis, Japan has had to find other ways to stay cool without using energy. So here are just some ways people survive the terrible heat.  The government has recommended companies switch to cool biz. This means men can work while wearing casual pants, short-sleeved shirts and no ties. But what about the housewives?
  1. The ladies have decided to do what they usually do when they want to stay out of the sun; use sun umbrellas. This keeps their face out of the sun and provides the shade they need to stay cool.
  2. Long thin gloves that go from your fingertips to your shoulders are also popular to keep from getting a tan. 
  3. This year especially the trend is to buy giant metallic visors that look like you are part of a disco swat team. this covers your face completely from the sun's harmful UV rays.
  4. A thin scarf like fabric which you insert frozen gel capsules goes around your neck and keeps it cool. It is quite helpful in keeping the humidity at bay.
  5. And it wouldn't be Japan without some unbelievable technology that only the Japanese could figure out. This year the pharmacy's are selling out of a spray product that you spray on your clothes which somehow keeps your clothes cool and sweat free and detracts heat. Kind of like wearing a wet t-shirt without the discomfort and visible nipples. Pretty sweet.
How do you stay cool in the summer besides fans and air conditioners? Let me know.