Intro for those who are new...

Welcome to my blog which shows you some of the interesting and crazy things I found in Japan. Sometimes they might seem offensive, other times tacky but mostly you will get a good laugh and an interesting story. If you have never been to Japan or if you live there, there is always something new to discover.

In this blog I don't mean to criticize or look down on another culture. I am simply expressing how I feel and what I see when I come across things. Also, though the title says 'Only in Japan' in no way am I saying that the following things are exclusively found in Japan (though that may be the case for certain things). It is more of a thought to myself whenever I see something I didn't expect.

Monday, April 30, 2012

The NEW OZZY Theme!!

Most of you who read my blog also watch my YouTube Channel. I have been making videos now for about two years and I have never missed a week. Now that is dedication!
Along the way I have met many really cool You Tubers, done collaboration videos with some of them, been part of community videos, made video responses, left comments and interacted with the greatest community on the planet.
Now thanks to my friend Jericho(who also has a blog and you should read it) made a theme song for my channel! Not only is it catchy but it captures my channel perfectly. I will be using this theme for my upcoming vlogs but to be one of the first people to watch it here it is!

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